Harbour.Space - Harbour.Space

Bachelor in Cyber Security - Grado en Ciberseguridad

Harbour.Space - Harbour.Space
  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
  • Precio:
    International Students: €19,900/year
    National Students €9,950/year*
    *The National prices apply to Harbour.Space Home Countries Citizens – individuals with valid passports from Spain and Thailand.
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
    Carrer de Rosa Sensat 9-11
  • Duración:
    180 ECTS
  • Idioma:
    El Grado se imparte en Inglés


As enterprise is becoming focused on the security of its information systems, the demand for cybersecurity specialists continues to expand. The Bsc in Cybersecurity prepares students to handle the full variety of threats and challenges faced by the modern enterprise. Students start with foundations in mathematics and computer science, continue with programming and security tools and arrive at the understanding of the full range of current cyber threats, enterprise security architecture as well as legal and ethical aspects of security.



n the first year, students obtain the foundational theoretical knowledge they need to become cybersecurity professionals. The programme builds the mathematical basis upon which students will develop understanding of programming, computer networks and enterprise information systems during following years. The courses are mostly given in a form of lectures and takeaway coursework.

Combinatorics & Graphs - 1
Foundations of programming – 1
Calculus – 1
Foundations of mathematical logic
Linear algebra -1
Data structures and algorithms – 1
Combinatorics and graphs – 2
Calculus – 2
Data structures and algorithms – 2
Linear algebra – 2
Computer Organisation and Systems
Operating systems
Calculus – 3
Capstone Project
Seminars & Workshops


In the second year, students complete the foundations with courses in programming, scripting, machine learning and databases and continue to study security of operating systems and networks. The second year also offers a fundamental courses in cryptography and principles of secure programming. Most courses require practical coursework and a course project enabling students to get a feel for the challenges and approaches used in this field. The students will also begin developing software for the Capstone project.

Probability theory
Introduction to Statistics
Practical Unix
Parallel and Disrtibuted Computing - 1
Introduction to Cyber Security
Machine learning – 1
Secure Programming
Introduction to Computer Networking
Database Systems Principles
Windows Administration
Introduction to Cryptography
Scripting Languages
Web Applications
Captstone Project
Seminars & Workshops


During the third, the final year, students focus on veriety of cybersecurity topics including advanced network management, operating system security, policy analysis and implementation, vulnerability analysis and legal environment. The courses are taught by researchers and professionals who practice the material they teach either academically or professionally. This is the best time to learn cybersecurity first hand from leading practitioners. The goal of the final year is to expose students to a range of real-world security challenges and mitigation strategies and to ensure seamless transition into a professional roles.

Linux Administration
Human Aspects of Cybersecurity: Law, Ethics and Privacy
Disaster Recovery
Advanced Network Management & Security
Operating Systems Security
Policy Analysis and Implementation
Enterprise Information Systems & Clouds
Ethical Hacking
Risk Management
Vulnerability Analysis, Penetration Testing
Data Visualization
Mobile Application Development
Technical Project Management
Performance Oriented Computing
Computer Forensics
Software Testing, Verification and Validation
Leadership & Group Dynamics
Writing, Documentation, TeX, JavaDoc, Academic
Captstone Project
Seminars & Workshops

Salidas profesionales

Junior Security Engineer
Security Engineer
Security Director
Security Architect
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

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