Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
  • Precio:
    Información no disponible
  • Comienzo:
    Información no disponible
  • Lugar:
    Avda. de Valdenigrales, s/n
    Madrid 28223
  • Duración:
    4 Años
  • Idioma:
    El Grado se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management

Acquire the necessary skills to become a professional capable of facing any business challenge with additional training specific to marketing and business management, in order to provide solutions with the best tools and skills to take on this tasks with maximum efficiency.

Develop additional competencies by complementing your bachelor’s degree with a specialization diploma or obtain a double degree in 5 years by combining it with a degree.

Interested in the global visión of the company.
Business management, financial management, comercial and people management.
Logical-analytical capacity
Incorporation of the digital economy in business processes.

First year

First semester
Economic History
Corporate Mathematics
Introduction to Corporations I
Professional Ethics, Basic Principals of Law and Equality (Professional Ethics)
History of Spanish Institutions (Humanities)

Second semester
Introduction to Economics
Financial Mathematics
Introduction to Corporations II
Mercantile Law
Computer Science Applied to Corporations
BE Basic Training
COMCompulsory course

Second year

First semester
Introduction to Marketing and Communications at the Company
Financial Accounting I
Corporate Statistics I
Corporate Sociology

Second semester
Financial Accounting II
Production Management
Corporate Statistics II
Marketing Management

Modern Language 
BE Basic Training
COMCompulsory course

Third year

First semester
Corporate Taxation
Strategic Management and Corporate Politics I
Analytical Accounting
Commercial Management
Financial Management I
Corporate Decision Methods

Second semester
Management Information Systems
Strategic Management and Corporate Politics II
Human Resources
Financial Management II
Balance Analysis I
National and International Economic Enviroment of the Firm
FB Basic Training
COMCompulsory course

Fourth year

First semester
Labour Law
Elective 1
Elective 2
Elective 3
Elective 4
Academic Recognition of Credits

External Practices
End of Degree Proyect

Electives BBAM
Operations Management in Services Corporation
Administrative Law in Regulated Sectors
Business Simulator
Organizational Behavior and Design
Corporate Accounting
International Economic Analysis
Corporate Assessment and Acquisition
Global and International Marketing
Sectorial Marketing
Political Marketing

Assistant CEO
Customer Service Representative
Director of International Projects
Logistics Intern
Finance Intern
International Corporate Procurement Intern
Investment Banking Off -Cycle Analyst- Asset&Leveraged Finance
Marketing and Social Media Executive
Product Marketing Manager
Community Manager
Digital Marketing Intern
Internship in After-sales Marketing
Marketing Trainee
Export/Import Responsible
Commercial Analyst
Business Developer

Participants with creative potential and interest for new technologies and digital economy who want to develop their career and capabilities in the marketing, sales and/or market research area.
