Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing + Degree in Digital Business

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
  • Precio:
    Información no disponible
  • Comienzo:
    Información no disponible
  • Lugar:
    Avda. de Valdenigrales, s/n
    Madrid 28223
  • Duración:
    5 Años
  • Idioma:
    El Grado se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Bachelor´s Degree in Marketing + Degree in Digital Business

ESIC University in Madrid offers the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing which is a highly renowned degree within the business and marketing world that prepares participants to face any challenge that may arise in a company.

This degree also provides participants with access to several career opportunities and trains them to assume managerial and executive roles at any national or international organization.

The participants will acquire business knowledge and capabilities, and will learn how to use the proper marketing tools to successfully meet the latest demands of today’s business market.

Student profile: participants with creative potential and interest for new technologies and digital economy who want to develop their career and capabilities in the marketing, sales and/or market research area.

This degree also offers participants access to multiple career opportunities and trains them to assume managerial and executive roles at any national or international organization.

Wants to work in marketing and/or a global and evolving sales environment.
Logical-analytical and creative capacity
Interested in digital business
Leadership skills

First year

First semester [DDB]
Chinese I

First semester [BDM]
Marketing and Interpersonnal Communication Techniques
Introduction to Corporations
Mathematics Applied to Marketing
Economic and Marketing History
Corporate Sociology

Second semester [DDB]
Chinese II
To Be Professional

Second semester [BDM]
Introduction to Marketing
Computer Science Applied to Marketing
Applied Statistics to Marketing
Civil Law
History of the Commercial Culture and Society

Second year

First semester [DDB]
Chinese III
Critical Thinking
Multimedia Software

First semester [BDM]
Economics I : Microeconomics
Economic - Financial Analysis in Marketing I
Psychology Applied to Marketing
Strategic Management
Mercantile Law: Legal Regulation of the Market

Second semester [DDB]
Digital Enviroment

Second semester [BDM]
Strategic Marketing
Responsibility and Corporate Social Marketing
Economics II: Macroeconomics
Economic-Financial Analysis in Marketing II
Decission-Marking Methods Applied to Marketing
Labour and Social Security Law

Annual [BDM]
Chinese IV

Third year

First semester [DDB]
Christian Social Thinking
Creation of Digital Spaces
Creative Mindset

First semester [BDM]
Communication Policy and Digital Advertising
Consumer Behavior
Product Policy
Sales Management
Market Research I
Industrial and Services Marketing

Second semester [DDB]
Scientific Investigation
Trend Search and Analysis

Second semester [BDM]
Distribution Policy and Ecommerce
Price and Cost Policy and Ecommerce
Market Research II
Commercial Negotiation Techniques
Relational, Direct, and Interactive Marketing
Applied Information Systems and Data Driven Marketing

Fourth year

First semester [BDM]
Marketing Plan
Elective 1
Elective 2
Elective 3
Elective 4
Academic Recognition of Credits

Second semester [DDB]
Business Ethics
Digital Marketing Strategies
Marketing Intelligence
Customer Marketing

Annual [BDM]
External Practies
End of Degree Project

More electives BDM
Sales Analysis and Forecast
International Economic Analysis
Electoral Legislation, Communication and State of Law
Human Resources Management
International Economic Legislation
Global Marketing and International Trade
Industry-Specific Marketing
Marketing and Communication Management
Internal Marketing
Political Marketing

Fifth year

First semester [DDB]
Digital Reality
Transformation and Change
Digital Footprint
Digital Marketing Metrics & Analytics
Strategic Finances

Second semester [DDB]
Global Mindset
Global Communication
Data Driven Marketing
Business Start-Up
Business Innovation
Business with Global Cause

*Students enrolled in the Official Degree in Marketing by ESIC University will in turn receive ESIC University´s Degree in Digital Business, granting 135 additional credits to those already obtained in the BDM syllabus.

Marketing Manager
Sales Manager
International Business Manager
Market Analyst
Brand Manager
Business Intelligence Manager
Customer Relationship Analyst
Account Manager
Product Manager
Trade Marketing Manager

Participants with creative potential and interest for new technologies and digital economy who want to develop their career and capabilities in the marketing, sales and/or market research area.
