Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management + Degree in Marketing Management

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
  • Precio:
    Información no disponible
  • Comienzo:
    Información no disponible
  • Lugar:
    Avda. de Valdenigrales, s/n
    Madrid 28223
  • Duración:
    5 Años
  • Idioma:
    El Grado se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management + Degree in Marketing Management

ESIC offers a Degree in Business Administration and Management, an official degree that is highly acknowledged by the business world and will enable you to face any business challenge.

This degree prepares you to take on these tasks with the maximum responsibility and efficacy.

The Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management provides participants with a high-quality training on business management, marketing and market research.

Student profile: students who wish to work in the business world, dedicated to company coordination and management.

In addition, ESIC incorporates specific additional training for marketing and commercial management, to provide you with the best tools and skills to handle any business challenge.

Interested in the global visión of the company.
Business management, financial management, comercial and people management.
Logical-analytical capacity
Incorporation of the digital economy in business processes.

First year

First semester [BBAM]
Economic History
Corporate Mathematics
Introduction to Corporations I
Professional Ethics, Basic Principal of Law and Equality (Professional Ethics)
History of Spanish Institutions (Humanities)

First semester [DGMM]
Chinese I

Second semester [BBAM]
Introduction to Economics
Financial Mathematics
Introduction to Corporations II
Mercantile Law
Computer Science Applies¡d to Corporations

Second semester [DGMM]
Chinese II
Critical Thinking

Second year

First semester [BBAM]
Introduction to Marketing and Communications at the Company
Financiall Accounting I
Corporate Statistics I
Corporate Sociology

First semester [DGMM]
Creative Mindset
Chinese III

Second semester [BBAM]
Financial Accounting II
Production Management
Corporate Statistics II
Marketing Management

Second semester [DGMM]
Scientific Investigation
Multimedia Software

Third year

First semester [BBAM]
Corporate Taxation
Strategic Management and Corporate Politics I
Analytical Accounting
Commercial Management
Financial Management I
Corporate Decision Methods

First semester [DGMM]
Creation of Digital Spaces
Digital Enviroment
Market Research

Second semester [BBAM]
Management Information Systems
Strategic Management and Corporate Politics II
Human Resources
Financial Management II
Balance Analysis II
National and International Economic Enviroment of the Firm

Second semester [DGMM]
Christian Social Thinking
Trend Search and Analysis

Fourth year

First semester [BBAM]
Labour Law
Elective 1
Elective 2
Elective 3
Elective 4
Academic Recognition of Credits

Second semester [DGMM]
Business Ethics
Digital Footprint
Consumer Behavior
Product Management

Annual [BBAM]
External Practices
End of Degree Proyect

More electives BBAM
Operations Management in Services Corporation
Administrative Law in Regulated Sectors
Business Simulator
Organizational Behavior and Design
Corporate Accounting
International Economic Analysis
Corporate Assessment and Acquisition
Global and International Marketing
Sectorial Marketing
Political Marketing

Fifth year

First semester [DGMM]
Digital Reality
Trade & Retail Marketing
Business Communication
Sales Forecasting
Digital Marketing Strategies
Marketing Intelligence
Digital Marketing Metrics & Analytics

Second semester [DGMM]
Global Mindset
Glocal Marketing
Customer Marketing
Business Innovation
Data Driven Marketing
Marketing Plan

*Students enrolled in the Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management by ESIC University will in turn receive ESIC University´s Degree in Marketing Management, granting 135 additional credits to those already obtained in the BBAM syllabus.

CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
SME manager
Director of planning
Company consultant and advisor
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
HR manager
Marketing manager
Commercial manager
Market analyst
Brand manager
Business intelligence analyst
Product or sales manager
Key account manager

Participants with creative potential and interest for new technologies and digital economy who want to develop their career and capabilities in the marketing, sales and/or market research area.
