School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer and Communication Networks) - Grado en Tecnologías de la Información By attending the Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer and Communications Networks) Honours program, you will be part of a select group of Ontario students to receive a four-year Bachelor degree in information technology. Centennial College was specifically selected by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development to deliver a... Canadá Consultar 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
EU Business Munich Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence for Business - Grado en Inteligencia Artificial para los Negocios The Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence for Business gives students a solid grounding in the theory and use of AI technology, preparing them to apply cutting-edge tools to operations within the world of business. The program covers fundamental concepts in AI, exploring data literacy, product design, deep learning and robotics, teaching students how... Alemania Consultar 240 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Schiller International University París Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Informática In the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science students will learn the general synthesis of mathematics and statistics as well as computational and coding skills within a global context. They will acquire intercultural speaking and effective multicultural communication skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and leadership and global ... Francia Mayo 2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
Escuela de Arquitectura y Politécnica Grado en Ciencia de Datos Con el Grado Online en Ciencia de Datos aprenderás a dominar la algorítmica y la computación con el objetivo de profundizar en el mundo de la Inteligencia Artificial. Obtendrás una visión de cómo hacer el mejor uso de los datos para cubrir las necesidades del entorno empresarial y social, conociendo el modo más eficaz para impactar en ellas. Te en... Online 10/02/2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
Faculty of Science and Technology BSc (Hons) Business Computing with Analytics - Grado en Informática y Analítica Empresarial Global businesses are constantly developing and implementing information technology to achieve their goals. On this course, you will acquire technical and operational skills to prepare you for cutting-edge work in a variety of business contexts. Foundation Year: We have a Foundation Year option for students who do not meet the entry requirements... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
Faculty of Science and Technology Bachelor in Cyber Security Management - Grado en Dirección de Seguridad Informática Are you interested in understanding and contributing to addressing the evolving security threats posed by cybercriminals, malware, and large-scale cyber-attacks? The rate and prevalence of such threats mean cybersecurity professionals are in high demand. ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
School of Communications, Media and Design Post-secondary Program Game Development - Programa en Desarrollo de Videojuegos Game – Development is a three-year advanced diploma program that aims to develop expert game designers who are able to create and develop their own titles. The program prepares students to become both technically literate and able to advance the conceptual and cultural potential of games. The program concentrates on the practical applications of... Canadá Consultar 3 Años Consultar +info gratis
Schiller International University París Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Informática In the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science students will learn the general synthesis of mathematics and statistics as well as computational and coding skills within a global context. They will acquire intercultural speaking and effective multicultural communication skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and leadership and global ... Francia Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
Faculty of Science and Technology Bachelor in Computer Science - Grado en Informática Specialise in software development while also having the opportunity to cover a broad range of emerging topics, preparing you for an exciting career in computing. Foundation Year: We have a Foundation Year option for students who do not meet the entry requirements for the degree course. This additional year of study will give you a grounding in ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
School of Communications, Media and Design Post-Secondary Program Game Art Design - Programa en Diseño de Videojuegos Centennial College´s Game – Artprogram allows you to gain the skills to launch a career in the dynamic, ever-expanding and intensely creative interactive game industry. In just 16 consecutive months we will prepare students for a career of imagination, innovative design and storytelling. You receive intensive hands-on training in Game – A... Canadá Consultar 2 Años Consultar +info gratis
Harbour.Space Bachelor in Front - End Development - Grado en Desarrollo Front End Our Front-end Development programme is where programming and creativity collide to build intricate, inventive and interesting web interfaces by applying animations and motions, and advanced web programming, including JavaScript, WebGL and CSS. A successful web developer requires more than just coding skills to thrive and innovate in the real wor... Barcelona Consultar 180 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science Diploma Health Informatics Technology (Fast Track) Diploma en Informática Sanitaria Centennial College´s Health Informatics Technology (Fast-Track) program admits students into semester three of this three-year advanced diploma program so they can receive this advanced diploma in four semesters, if they are qualified college or university graduates with a background in software. The focus of this college health technology progr... Canadá Consultar 2 Años Consultar +info gratis
Faculty of Science and Technology Bachelor in Cyber Security with Digital Forensics - Grado en Ciberseguridad e Informática Forense Interested in using ethical hacking to identify security problems, and developing solutions that fix them? Foundation Year: We have a Foundation Year option for students who do not meet the entry requirements for the degree course. This additional year of study will give you a grounding in the technical skills required for this course, building ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science Post-Secondary Program Computer Systems Technology - Networking. Programa en Sistemas Informáticos - Redes Centennial College’s popular Computer Systems Technology - Networking program will focus on the latest in computer systems. With the offering’s hand-on approach, you will gain plenty of practical practice by delving inside PC hardware and learn the intricacies of operating systems; exploring up-to-date computer systems and networks technology; w... Canadá Consultar 3 Años Consultar +info gratis
EU Business Geneva Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence for Business - Grado en Inteligencia Artificial para los Negocios The Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence for Business gives students a solid grounding in the theory and use of AI technology, preparing them to apply cutting-edge tools to operations within the world of business. The program covers fundamental concepts in AI, exploring data literacy, product design, deep learning and robotics, teaching students how... Suiza Consultar 240 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas y de la Salud (Villaviciosa) Grado en Bioinformática Conviértete en un profesional clave para el tratamiento de datos biológicos. Con el Grado en Bioinformática obtendrás una formación integral en investigación, análisis y aplicación de las TIC en los campos de la medicina, farmacología, agricultura, ganadería, industria o el medio ambiente. Oportunidad única de poner en práctica los conocimientos... Villaviciosa de Odón - Semipr. Octubre 2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
Facultad de Informática Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas Tecnológicas Cuando empresa y tecnología se unen, surge el grado perfecto para cubrir tus inquietudes. Sabemos que el futuro está cada vez más presente y que las posibilidades de hacer algo grande se multiplican, solo necesitas una buena preparación. Consíguela en el Grado en Administración y Dirección de empresas tecnológicas. ... Salamanca Consultar 240 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Faculty of Science and Technology Bachelor in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence - Grado en Ciencia de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial Preparing you for cutting edge work and an exciting career in a growing field of advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence. Foundation Year: We have a Foundation Year option for students who do not meet the entry requirements for the degree course. This additional year of study will give you a grounding in the technical skills required... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
Facultad de Informática Doble Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas Tecnológicas + Informática Mucha gente comparte el sueño de administrar su propia empresa tecnológica. Aprender a gestionar desde un enfoque técnico, significa convertirte en un perfil completo y preparado para liderar grandes proyectos. Estudia el doble grado en ADE tecnológico e ingeniería informática y lleva tu carrera al siguiente nivel. Ambos grados cuentan con un Sello... Salamanca Septiembre 2025 342 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Facultad de Informática Doble Grado en Informática + Administración y Dirección de Empresas Tecnológicas Mucha gente comparte el sueño de administrar su propia empresa tecnológica. En el doble grado en Ingeniería Informática y ADET aprenderás a gestionar desde un enfoque técnico, significa convertirte en un perfil completo y preparado para liderar grandes proyectos. ... Salamanca Septiembre 2025 348 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science Post-Secondary Program Computer Systems Technician- Networking. Programa de Técnico en Sistemas Informáticos - Redes The Computer Systems Technician – Networking program, offered in a two-year delivery format, lets you quickly enter the job market. This diploma program, facilitated by the School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science, incorporates the latest in computer systems and network technology into its Computer Systems Technician courses to refle... Canadá Consultar 2 Años Consultar +info gratis
Escuela Politécnica Superior Grado en Ingeniería Informática El Grado en Ingeniería Informática de CUNEF Universidad te permitirá afrontar los problemas técnicos relacionados con el desarrollo de arquitecturas de software, de hardware y de redes, alcanzando un equilibrio entre objetivos contrapuestos considerando las distintas restricciones a las que te enfrentarás profesionalmente. Las bases teóricas de est... Madrid Consultar 240 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Faculty of Science and Technology Bachelor in Networks and Cyber Security - Grado en Redes y Ciberseguridad This course prepares you with industry-relevant skills and latest networking knowledge for a career in a world that is increasingly connected in all aspects of life and business. Foundation Year: We have a Foundation Year option for students who do not meet the entry requirements for the degree course. This additional year of study will give you... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar +info gratis
School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science Post-secondary Program Game - Programming (Optional CO-OP) Programa en Programación de Videojuegos Centennial College´s Game – Programming offering sees you graduate with an advanced diploma and the knowhow to launch a career in the game software industry. Whether you love the classics or today´s technologically advanced games, this interactive gaming program´s courses have you participate in various phases of game development, such as: G... Canadá Consultar 3 Años Consultar +info gratis
EU Business Barcelona Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence for Business - Grado en Inteligencia Artificial para los Negocios The Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence for Business gives students a solid grounding in the theory and use of AI technology, preparing them to apply cutting-edge tools to operations within the world of business. The program covers fundamental concepts in AI, exploring data literacy, product design, deep learning and robotics, teaching students how... Barcelona Consultar 240 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science Post-Secondary Program Health Informatics Technology - Programa en Informática Sanitaria Centennial College´s Health Informatics Technology program combines knowledge of both software engineering and health care systems. In this advanced technology diploma program´s courses, you learn to design, develop and maintain the next generation of electronic health records applications and many other exciting software products. Under the umb... Canadá Consultar 3 Años Consultar +info gratis
EU Business Munich Bachelor in Business (Information Systems) - Grado en Empresariales (Sistemas de Información) The BA (Hons) in Business with a pathway in information Systems is a three-year full-time program (180 ECTS). It has been designed to provide students with a solid grounding in business and with the skills, knowledge and competences in the use of systems and related technologies to control and manage organizational data. Students acquire competence... Alemania Consultar 180 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
ESIC University Grado Universitario en Dirección y Gestión de Empresas en el Ámbito Digital (Digital Business) Adquiere las competencias necesarias para dominar las prácticas empresariales bajo el prisma de la nueva economía digital y desarrollar, para las empresas, modelos de negocio en base a la transformación digital de las mismas. Podrás desarrollar competencias adicionales complementando tu grado con uno de nuestros diplomas de especialización u obt... Madrid Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar
ESIC University Título Superior en Digital Business Titulación vanguardista en el mercado de los negocios digitales, apoyada y avalada por prestigiosas empresas. Te capacitará para liderar la creación y transformación digital del tejido empresarial actual y futuro. INNOVADOR: metodologías evolutivas, cada semestre pasa algo distinto. Herramientas de aprendizaje: moocs, simuladores, asignaturas 10... Málaga Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar
ESIC University Grado Oficial en Datos y Analítica de Negocio Adquiere las competencias necesarias para ser un Data Analyst desarrollando habilidades en Big Data, Machine Learning, matemáticas y estadística, siempre con un enfoque de negocio, mediante el uso de herramientas empresariales y de programación. Podrás desarrollar competencias adicionales complementando tu grado con uno de nuestros diplomas de e... Madrid Septiembre 2025 4 Años Consultar